Trusted Testing Community
Compiling pattern testers' experiences.
If you'd like to review an experience with a designer you've tested for (positive or negative), please follow one of the links below to send a private message, or submit a form. ⬇
Click the navigational buttons below to access the current database of reviews, the "Testers Beware" lists. ⬇
(The database is a new, experimental venture. Formatting and navigation are a work in progress. You are welcome to follow the links message me or use the submission form to give feedback, suggestions, and contributions.)
Crocheters Beware
Crochet pattern designers who have received negative reviews from testers (alleged) experiences. (WIP)
The original TTC affiliated instagram users:
lovefluffyflorals, goldielocks.crochet, mariibun_, knotmichelle,, _9tenz, kuma.migurumi, cozyloafcat, waicrochets, knotsewbinka
(No reviews have been left for any of these designers, they are listed because of their participation in the catalyst for the making of this database. See the original TTC instagram post here, or screenshots provided by a redditor here.)
(Work in Progress)Inspired by the CraftSnark subreddit, especially this Test Knitting "Reviews" thread.This "Pattern Testers Beware" database* is a project I've undertaken after seeing a great deal of horror stories (as well as mild anecdotes) about experiences that fiber arts folks have had while pattern testing. I am hoping to create a resource that will be helpful to crafters by compiling their experiences anonymously in one place that is visible and shareable to the whole community.All submissions are alleged, hearsay, and unverified. It is simply word-of-mouth being passed along. Nothing is intended as defamation. Take it all with a grain of salt.
*"database" in the loosest and most unprofessional definition
(Work in Progress)Why have a submission box for pattern testers?One might argue that it would be more constructive to bring feedback directly to the designer themself, or directly to their audience-- and by all means, I encourage it. If there is an open avenue to the open mind of a designer who wants to improve on their pattern testing, pursue it! Please, let your first option be to interact with the people involved and give them a chance to take responsibility.Unfortunately, it's not always a conducive nor possible option. Popularity, intimidation, or pure neglect can leave a participant unheard.As far as I know, other than communication on forums and social media, there isn't a singular place for consolidated reviews on testing experiences (ie, yelp for the fed-up crafter).The goal of a Pattern Testers Beware collection is not to bully, intimidate, or bash on fiber arts designers.
If you are a commercial entity who sells to customers, your audience is allowed to have honest conversations and criticism about your business. People sharing their experiences are not doing so to hurt feelings, they are doing so to express their own, to give feedback, and/or to exchange information with their community.
Some common problems pattern testers have faced:
No prior tech editingUnrealistic deadlinesPoor communicationNo samples madeExpectation to promoteExclusivityGeneral disrespectThere's many discussions about the ethics of test knitting.
To some, it's harmless volunteered hobby time, to others it's exploitation of free labor that undercuts the value of the community to others-- with countless variations and nuances in opinions on the topic. Someone can think there are certain required obligations, someone else can see the same things as an optional luxury. A practice can be wildly unprofessional to one crafter, and just mildly rude to another.
There's no single conclusion to be had, there's no singe solution that will please everyone!
It is up to everyone's personal discretion how they want to give/receive feedback, criticism, complaints, reviews, or suggestions.Wherever one stands on the issue, the hard fact remains: Pattern designers sell a product, the community helps them reach that goal.
Within that hard fact, my opinion remains: We should try to be decent people. If someone has had a bad experience, they're allowed to share it.
To the pattern designers present:
(Work in Progress)
The goal of a Pattern Testers Beware collection is not to bully, intimidate, or bash on fiber arts designers.
If you are a commercial entity who sells to customers, your audience is allowed to have honest conversations and criticism about your business. People sharing their experiences are not doing so to hurt feelings, they are doing so to express their own, to give feedback, and/or to exchange information with their community.
These are not official guides for pattern testing. A search engine will provide resources for publishing a pattern. These are forum discussions that may give interpersonal insight on pattern testing.advice for running a pattern test (reddit)
how to run a test knit (reddit)
how to get sewing pattern testers (reddit)
why should i have crochet testers (reddit)
an example of why pattern testing is important (reddit)
Please test your patterns for plus sizes (reddit)
Guidelines for pattern testing relationships (ravelry, group specific)
Discussion of tips for knit designers and testers (ravelry, group forum)
(These are just a few of many posts on the topic. More reading is very searchable.)
Additional links
Further reading if you're interested, discussions I've referenced, helpful advice from a wide variety of opinions, food for thought, arguments for your entertainment, etc etc etctest knitting "reviews" (reddit)
exchange of test knitting experiences (reddit)
exchange of test knitting experiences 2 (reddit)
exchange of test knitting experiences 3 (reddit)
opinions about test knitting (reddit)
opinions about test knitting 2(reddit)
example of unreasonable test sewing requirements (reddit)
warning signs for a poor test crochet (reddit)
opinions about compensation for pattern testing (reddit)
exchange of pattern testing experiences(reddit)